Friday, May 28, 2010


a animations that is put into time

slide sorter view

a slide that shows a miniature and horizontal row

slide show view

information shown on the screen that people can see

slide master

a template that contsins many of layouts

slide layout

diffrent sets of displays you can create

slider finder

a tool that helps track a missing slide

Slide design

a special tool that lets you design your way of it's layed into.


A explination of what your topic is about


it holds contents of a dotted border

Normal view

A type of display on the screen

Exit Effect

Extra things to add into a presentation

Clip Organizer

Organizes your files

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Statistical functions

a worksheet and a function

Relative cell references

identifies the location of a group of cell.

Order of evaluation

it ditects a minus sign


are formulas almost as in math.


a set of values or cell reference

Mixed cell reference

a mixed cell refrence of a spreadsheet

Mathematical functions

a equation to calculate a value.

Function formula

a formula used in a spreadsheet.


a present as a function

Embedded chart

an object that works with a worksheet with the plotted data.


the same used in a math class


these are functions in round brackets

Absolute cell reference

identifies the location of a cell.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


it's an Mx file.


a spread sheet file.


a group of cells in a worksheet that you have selected.


a combination of rows and columns.

Header row

the heading of the spread sheet, basically the main top layer of the spread sheet.


there are lines on the grid that you can set it up.


it's a custom list.

Fill handle

the bottom part of the corne of he spread sheet.

Descending order

When the numbers are arrange from largest to smallest

Cell reference

It identifies the order where it has to be found.

Ascending order

it organizes the results in values.

Active Cell

A cell that is located in the corner of a spread sheet.