Saturday, April 24, 2010


thumbnails: a tool that rezises a image and oranizes it aswell.


thesaurus: a dictionary that helps you spell out miss spell words.


template: a design dealing with webing like CSS.


superscript: symbols and nmbers and other kids of styles of writing


style: several styles and designs of typing.

sizing handles

sizing handles: in this tool you rezise shapes.


header: the heading of the page in microsoft word.

hard colum break

hard colum break: before and after a page breaks and it's restore.


graphics: it covers graphics of micrsoft word like design and web.


foootnote: a section where you can save and share images.

foootnote: a section where you can save and share images.


footer: atext that appears at top and goes akll the way to the bottom of a page.


endnote: to manage bibaographies in microsoft word.

drawing objects

drawing objects: insert images

drawing canvas

drawing canvas:arranges drawings

desktop publishing

desktop publishing: it combines a layout and a personal computer.


Crop: making a photo into a smaller size.

Clip art

Clip art: a tool use in Microsoft word that creates art.


Banner: a tittle of the center of microsoft word.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

soft page breaking

a soft page that is interacted.

Portrait orientation

A portrait of a display


A section of points.

overtype mode

When you exceed of typing.

Landscape orientation

The level how things are settle in place

Insert mode

inserting an operation into the computer

Hard page breaking

A ripping section of page

Hanging indent

A pragraph that has all lines but the first indent by specifying it.

Format Painter

Several ways to paint a section of writing.


to prepare a storage medium ussualy a disk, for reading and writing.


A font is the combination of type face and other qualeties.

First line indent

A way to start a paragraph


describes applications that allow you to drag objects to specific locations on the screen to perform actions on them.


A specific filor memory area (buffer) where data is stored temparity before being copied to another location.


to regard as resulting from specified cause consides caused by something indicated.


When you used to describe text, the arragment of text or graphics realative to a margin.

What is a table?

Colum - A vertical section of a table.

What is a table?

Row - a horizontsl section of a table

What is a table?

cell - a structure of a biological system.

What is a table?

fuck your pussys