Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is an I/O device?

Computers over time got more advanced and were made for more storage memory. They applied allot of things to it and encounter with more upgrading microsaft over they years. 30 years ago for my parents was a diffrent life for them because they didn'y offord computers and wasn't needed for one. They used books and use to go to the libary for research and studies.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Input, Output, and storage devices

Input - An entrance of stuff that insert into a computer system.

Output - An out is something that comunicates to a computer.

Storage Devices - A device that stores recording information.

Parts of a computer

In a desktop,The hardware is basicly the one that gives intruction each part of the computer. The part are,mouse, keyboard,monitor, speaker, printer. etc.

What is a computer?

A computer is a device that will recieve input information and store the data into it's storage memory.

What is BIOS?

BIOS. it's the starting point of what the computer needs to start at. An example, when you start up a computer it will give you instructions how to start up a computer. So it's basically the starting of an operating computer system.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

23)System clock:
works the task of a computer.
It inserts photos into the computer system.
21)Read-only memory (ROM):
A major part of the computer.
20)Random access memory (RAM):
this device helps save memmory in a computer.
a indecater of the computer screen.
A device that can print graphical photos.
17)Output devices:
Any outputs that can communicte to the computer.
16)Optical storage devices:
This device can read media memory.
15)Nonimpact printers: _
This printer has a much more of an advanced process of printing.
14)Mouse: Network drive:
this controls the pointer of the computer.
Ceentral part of the computer system.
12)Main memory: Memory:
The memory the computer has that controls the memory inside of the computer.
11)Instruction cycle (I-cycle): Keyboard:
A keybored to input whatever is need to input into a computer by words.
10)Input devices:
Devices that can insert a computer input.
9)Impact printers:
an old old printer that woeks with an ink riibon.
8)Execution cycle (E-cycle): Hard disk drive
The inside of hard drive, contains stuff with teachnology.
A device that stores media information.
It controls part of the computer.
5)Central processing unit (CPU):
A program that contains the information of intructions of a computer.
The mass ammount of a CD, Rom can hold.

A starting point of a computer.

it's an amount of two equiprobable containing information.
1) American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII):

It's a code that defines the letters and numbers on a keyboared.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I expect to get a good decent grade for this class. I'll be doing all my work as possible and attending class when i can. I hope this class will be fun and will help me with technology. I like learning with computers. It's fun and intresting to do so i hope i could accomplish it this semester.